Friday, July 1, 2011

The Roman Catholic Church wants us to believe it's rid its ranks of pedophile priests and all the cover ups have been uncovered but more bombs are dropping daily.

This week Dan Rather Reports on HDNet aired an investigation of the Los Angeles Diocese protecting, harboring and ultimately abetting yet another LA pedo-priest at the same time Cardinal Roger Mahoney declared his "zero tolerance" policy on child molestation. The program Dan Rather Reports: All Is Not Forgiven will air again Saturday, July 2, 2011 at 12:00PM ET on HDNet.

Meanwhile in Chicago, Judge Jeffrey Lawrence issued a statement all but calling the Jesuits liars after reviewing testimony and granting plaintiffs punitive damages in their case against the Chicago Province of the Society of Jesus.

The Kansas City Diocese is being sued for violation of federal child pornography laws.

The list keep growing. The financial awards to plaintiffs keep growing. The lies and denials of the Catholic Church keep growing. An finally the concerns of the insurance companies making all those payouts for defense lawyers and settlements are growing.

The U.S. Fidelity & Guaranty Company, insurer of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Burlington, Vermont, has petitioned the federal court there to absolve it from five new civil cases filed against the Catholic Church. In short, the insurance company is fed up paying claims for child molestation. Certainly that petition has grabbed the attention of the Catholic hierarchy. Will the Vermont decision, if granted, open the floodgates to other insurers ultimately leaving the Catholic Church alone to pay for its sins?

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